Siena Blaze
6' 2"
190 lbs.
Platinum Blonde
Stryfe's Strike File #1 (referenced);
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #301
Unnamed father
Upstarts, All New Exiles
• Disrupt Earth's electromagnetic field to redirect its
energies for her purposes, producing devastating bio-energy
discharges, protective shielding, levitation along magnetic ley
lines and a form of teleportation that displaces her and a
portion of the electromagnetic field in an energy state from
one site to another; possesses a sensitivity to electromagnetic
field distortions and manipulations by other sources
• As a side effect of her powers, the environment is radically
disturbed by the aggressive rearranging of electromagnetic
forces, causing violent E.M. implosions or explosions as the
electromagnetic field reverts to equilibrium, often creating
fires, volatile weather patterns or permanent scars in the
ozone layer or magnetosphere of the planet