3rd story:
In the spirit of the heroic age, Washington celebrates the visiting British heroes from MI13 (Captain Britain, Pete, Wisdom, Excalibur, the Black Knight and Gloriana) with Steve Rogers presiding, who thanks the British foreign secretary. The United Kingdom was the first country to free itself from the Skrulls. The first to embrace a new deal between superheroes and the government. Today they celebrate that.
Faiza Hussain aka Excalibur whispers to the Black Knight that she wants to call him “Cap.” What about “Captain? Maybe too formal.” He calls him Steve, the Black Knight gloats. And him she shall call plonker, Faiza shoots back.
Steve shakes hands with Captain Britain, remarking they’ve both come a long way. About time he got a steady job, Brian laughs. Speaking of steady jobs, Steve retorts, they’ve told Dane he is welcome back and he is thinking it over. But how would Captain Britain like to become an Avenger?
Both Brian and Pete Wisdom are shocked. Pete gets between the two Captains, pointing out that nobody mentioned that little diplomatic subject. He only just decided, Steve begins. Did he really? Pete asks. Captain Britain is the UK’s first defence against magic, supervillains, Latveria…. Did something on their own, for once, did they? No wonder the US want to nick it!
Meggan chides Pete, reminding him who he is talking too, The new boss, Pete retorts, same as the old boss!
Pete and Brian share a silent look, then Brian tells Steve he has to turn him down. His responsibilities…
He is so good at manipulating her husband, Meggan snarls at Pete. She hopes he’s proud! Helplessly, he reminds her they were only just at war. They might be again. This “Age of Heroes” stuff… it’s just waiting for the next horror to… they have to be professional.
He helplessly looks around. Faiza glares at him too. Oh sod it, he swears. Bloody superheroes! He says yes, he announces. Pete… Brian begins. Pete orders him to shut it. They can come to some sort of… time share agreement.
Steve makes his announcement and Cap waves to the crowd. Every now and then… Meggan tells Pete. He’s nowhere cynical enough, he finishes her sentence. He hopes it doesn’t get them killed…