New Mutants (4th series) #28

Issue Date: 
October 2022
Story Title: 
The Labors of Magik, Book Four: The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen!

Vita Ayala (writer), Rod Reis (artist main story), Jan Duursema (artist flashbacks), Ruth Redmond (colorist flashbacks), VC’s Travis Lanham (letterer), Tom Muller (Design), Leinil francis Yu (cover artist), Betsy Cola; Russell DAutermann & Matthew Wilson, Marcus To (variant covers)Nick Russell (production), Jonathan Hickman (Head of X),  Anita Okoye (assistant editor), Sarah Brunstad (editor), Jordan D. White (senior editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor-in-chief), Joe Quesada (chief creative officer), Dan Buckley (publisher), Alan Fine (executive producer)

Brief Description: 

Magik and her group have sought shelter in a cave near the castle, where Magik tries to get Madelyne up to speed teaching her magic. Mirage makes it clear she still distrusts Madelyne, who holds an impassioned speech for giving her as second chance. Finally, they sneak into the castle in order to finish the ritual but are surprised and taken captured by the mastermind behind S’ym’s rebellion: an Illyana of another timeline – one who after deposing Belasco stayed in Limbo as its queen. In order to truly live, she has to kill Magik. However, Magik and Madelyne are prepared and, while Magik distracts her doppelganger, Madelyne kills her. The other Illyana’s life energy enters Magik, making her whole again and giving her and her sword a different look. Magik then hands the rulership of Limbo to Madelyne, who rules with an iron fist but promises to be there for her subjects. Back on Krakoa, Illyana and Piots finally talk about their pain to each other. Years earlier in Limbo, young Illyana helped a little demon named Furcas. In gratitude, he creates the book about the little goblin that will inspire her to rebel against Belasco.

Full Summary: 

A cave, somewhere in Limbo, not far from the castle. In it, Magik and her allies have been hiding since escaping Belasco. Madelyne Pryor complains that it’s been weeks and Magik reminds her time is different in Limbo.

As Illyana keeps practicing the creation of her soulweapon, which keeps on fizzing out, Madelyne asks why it is so important anyway. Illyana explains it’s the embodiment of all the years of studying and gaining power that finally allowed her to free herself of Belasco. It is the manifestation of her soul! So, without it she can’t fight? Madelyne challenges. Clearly not the case, Illyana retorts, but it is a symbol, a living metaphor. She is trying to repair what it represents, because she doesn’t think she can get them out of Limbo otherwise.

They have been working on Madelyne’s arcane education, but Madelyne is fed up with waiting. Illyana tells her she needs all the tools in her toolbox at the ready and she is happy to continue giving her lessons even afterwards. She swears as her weapon fizzes out again.

Appreciated, Madelyne replies that that assumes they actually do something instead of hiding. Dani agrees. They need to face S’ym and his army. Rahne summarizes they know someone is behind S’ym’s increase in power, but how can they find out without breaching the castle?

Madelyne interrupts to point out everyone is agreeing with her: storm the castle!

Dani corrects that isn’t what she was saying. Impatiently, Madelyne asks what is it she wants then. Illyana carefully agrees with Madelyne. They move at night and finish the ritual. Then they give the demons hell. Dani is still not happy at the idea of handing Limbo over to the Goblin Queen.

Madelyne angrily explains that she has always been her own person, but never without the fingerprint of others on her person. Until she woke up in that disgusting egg, her mind had never been without her infernal maker’s fingerprints stamped across it. Copy, broodmare, pawn in the games of his plans and the plans of all the men who thought they had rights to her… no mind is unbreakable.

Krakoa’s existence is partly due to the self-absorbed monster who made her. Why do they think he is more able to do what’s right? They may think her rabid or insane, but how many of their beloved heroes have fallen just as low? Why are they so resistant to the idea that given the chance she would rise to the occasion? Krakoa represents to her what Limbo represents to Illyana. But to her Limbo represents a new beginning where she cannot only be herself but be of use. Here nothing of her past will be held against her, as it is on Krakoa. She will help them, so she can finally get her chance!

Illyana coldly asks if there are any other questions that aren’t just a retread. Dani gives up. Colossus takes Madelyne’s side, reminding everyone that Krakoa stands for second chances. ,Touched she thanks him, then she and Magik begin the ritual.

The little Goblin’s tale:
After countless adventures she was ready. The Shadow would not know what was coming, and she was not alone.

Limbo, Magik’s castle:
Outside the throne room, a horde of unhappy demons have gathered, even more displeased with S’ym’s rule than they were with Magik’s. Suddenly, mist rises from the ground and they fall asleep, courtesy of Magik’s spell.

Dani remarks she should have used magic in battle more often. She uses it more often than she thinks, Illyana retorts. They just don’t notice, because she has been doing it since she came from Limbo. What does she think her Soulsword is?

Rahne is just thankful that they don’t have to fight their way to the library, which, of course, means a second demon army arrives to fight them.

They make their way through the army, unaware that their foe watches them and is disappointed by their predictability.

They storm the throne room and Magik shouts “no mercy.” S’ym stands there, petrified. She’s gonna enjoy the hell out of this, Magik decides. She can end this any time now, he states, frightened. She plans to, Magik replies, as she gathers a sword from the ground. Right now! He scoffs, is she seriously coming at him with a regular sword? He wrests it from her, calling her as dumb and weak as when she was a kid. He’s gonna enjoy seeing her being put in her place.

There is no universe in which he could beat her twice! she snaps. She gets hit on the head from behind, courtesy of another version of herself, dressed in a regal battle armor and holding S’ym’s soul mace, while she quotes Sun Tsu: “If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Even Madelyne admits she did not see that coming. Mirage orders Colossus and Wolfsbane to do a fastball special and for Madelyne to separate the newcomer from her weapon.

Queen Illyana anticipates their attack with a swing of her mace and leaves them trapped by a spell.

So, she’s the version that exists because she forgot to flush the toilet that one time, Magik groans. Queen Illyana chuckles, then sniffs. She is the version who took her rightful place on the throne of this realm instead of playing at queen while simpering around Earth. Although she should thank Magik. She was only able to fully materialize because Magik neglected her duties. In order for her to stay, she has to ascend the throne, and for that to happen, there has to be blood - which means Magik has to die.

Magik attacks, but Queen Illyana quickly wrestles her down. She raises her mace and promises to make it quick.

Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.” Magik replies with her own Sun Zu quote, a moment before Queen Illyana is impaled from behind, courtesy of Madelyne’s scythe. As it turns out, all the time in the cave Magik and Madelyne were preparing.

As she dies, Queen Illyana’s energy passes into Magik, who realizes that her alter ego’s very presence had stolen energy from her. She changes and suddenly wears a version of the New Mutants uniform with golden armor and a golden Soulsword.

The demons immediately assure her they were always on her side. Disinterested, she tells them that they are wasting their breath. There is a new boss now. Finally, she turns to S’ym to deal with him.

Later, at the Sextant, Illyana and Piotr sit in the kitchen, silent. Finally, he announces he understands why they have not truly spoken in so long but might she find it in her heart to try anyway? Him first, she replies. He admits he has been troubled lately. There are gaps in his memory. It scares him. He does not know what is happening, but he knows the one constant in his life is his love for her. They have much to work through, but he owes it to her to try and fix things.

Illyana muses she has spent so much of her life angry. Angry at what was done to her, angry at what she did to others, because she couldn’t control the darkness inside of her. But, under the anger is so much hurt. She is so tired of hurting. He failed her. But she failed too! She wants to let the ugliness inside go. What good is the promise of a new beginning, if she can’t have it with the people who have meant the most to her. So let’s air out the wound and start again, she suggests, and he promises there is nothing he wants more.

In Limbo, a demon tries to rouse the others into a rebellion against their new ruler, only to be impaled by a scythe. She hears they crave strong leadership, Madelyne announces. Unlike her predecessor, she will be constantly available to them. She takes the demon’s head and puts it on a stick. Are there any others who would like to air their grievances? she asks. Long live the Queen! the demons chant and she sits back on her throne satisfied.

Castle Belasco. Much earlier:
From the shadows, young Illyana watches as the S’ym tortures a harmless demon. She casts a simple spell to make S’ym believe that Belasco is calling him, and he leaves his victim. Illyana helps the demon Furcas up and he thanks her profusely. He promises to be there when she has need. Bemused, Illyana tells him that she appreciates that.

Years later, an adult Magik visits Limbo with Kid Cable and tells him about the book about a little goblin that she read that helped inspire her to fight against Belasco, but she never found it again.

Furcas now knows what he has to do. He creates the little goblin and gives her the book and tells her to close the circle. The little goblin jumps into a teleportation circle and her adventure.

The little goblin writes the book and hides it in the library. And little Illyana finds it among her hidden treasures. Curious, she begins to read…

Characters Involved: 

Magik, Mirage, Wolfsbane (New Mutants)
Goblin Queen

Queen Illyana

Younger Illyana

Story Notes: 

Text pages include:

  • the history of Queen Illyana:

Her history diverges after defeating Belasco. Instead of returning to Earth, she stays in Limbo but becomes an ally to the X-Men.

She abducts the Enchantress to learn more magic and uses it to absorb the power from her Darkchilde part. She allies herself several times with her timeline’s New Mutants.

  • A report to the Quiet Council in which Magik explains er decision to abdicate and suggest they need to start magical training on Krakoa

Further notes:
Furcas is the demon who stole Magik’s hairbrush in issue #25.

Madelyne’s story continues in the Dark Web event.

Written By: