Shogun (with Major Sharp)
5’ 9”
146 lbs.
Kitty Pryde & Wolverine #1
Ninja lord, samurai
Path of Destiny,
Associate of
the Wolverines
• Restless spirit able
to move between
bodies, inhabiting
hosts and controlling
them from within, occasionally uses his
demon mask as a focus or conduit for his
• In life, learned dark magics that gave him
undefined psychic abilites, kept him young
for hundreds of years, and let him resist fatal
injuries without harm
• As Shogun, body possessed enhanced strength, speed,
agility, endurance, and reflexes, instinctive tactical
awareness allowed him to run thousands of combat
scenarios per second, intuitive evaluating outcomes
and choosing the best outcome
• Skilled in the use of the katana, bo, sai, shuriken, flash bombs, drugs and paralytic powders