Mikhail Nikolievitch Rasputin
6' 1"
225 lbs.
Uncanny X-Men
(1st series) #285
Nicolai (father, deceased),
Alexandra (mother,
Piotr / Colossus (brother),
Illyana / Magik (sister),
(wife, deceased),
Worldly Avatar
(father-in-law, deceased),
Sha-har-a-Zath (sister-in-law),
Elena (great-grandmother, deceased),
Grigory (great-grandfather, deceased),
Ivan (great-granduncle, deceased), Vladimir (uncle, deceased), Larisa Mishchenko, Klara, Konstantin, Dimetriy (cousins, deceased), Peter (nephew)
Former cosmonaut, revolutionary
Morlocks, Gene Nation, ally of Xeno, Flower Cartel
• Sub-atomic literacy allows him to manipulate matter, energy, and the space between matter at a fundamental level, enabling him to levitate matter, alter the shape, state, and composition of matter, fuse materials together or extract them from one another, heal organic tissue, animate unliving matter into a semblance of life, exert control over energy sources to trigger passive energies, redirect active energies, or copy energy signatures to replicate them with his own power, can create and maintain a pocket dimensional void as a touchstone for teleportation or for stable, long-term occupation