Exodus returned to Avalon to be by his master’s side once more despite Magneto still being in a vegetative state. Exodus truly believed that he was the voice and ears of Magneto but he began to despair when the other Acolytes who did not see things the same way. Exodus started spending more and more time with Magneto and became very protective of his perceived-Lord, even going as far as punishing Scanner for merely looking at Magneto’s face. Since Magneto was unable to perform certain duties Exodus was forced to step in his place, such as the trial of the Acolyte Neophyte, who was accused of aiding the X-Men in the attack that cost Magneto his mind. The trial became very heated as the prosecution and defence both made impassioned speeches and Exodus was forced to retire to “speak” with Magneto to determine a verdict. After a short while Exodus returned to the room and as his speech progressed it was very clear that Neophyte was about to be sentenced to death, and so Colossus interrupted Exodus and made a plea for the boy’s life. Colossus did his job well as Exodus could see that the other Acolytes around him were beginning to doubt the severity of Neophytes crimes. Seeing that a death sentence would prove unpopular, Exodus did his best to save-face by
claiming that, had Colossus not interrupted him, it would have been Magneto’s judgement that Neophyte be exiled from Avalon. With a wave of his hand he teleported the boy back to Earth and brought an end to the trial. Afterwards an alarming feeling started to seep into Exodus as he began to see dissention within his followers. He started to wonder how long he could keep them in check before they began to question whether he truly spoke for Magneto or not. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #315]
Exodus wasn’t one to forget a grudge and, after his dealing with Quicksilver and the events on Genosha, he enacted a plan to get revenge on the speedster. He also set his sights on the High Evolutionary, whose views on evolution he had objected. The High Evolutionary had moved back to Wundagore Mountain and subsequently banned anyone else from stepping foot there. Exodus took offence, as one of the Acolytes’ holy shrines resided on the mountain and they were now prohibited from worshipping at it. Knowing how powerful the High Evolutionary was, Exodus hatched a plan that would lure him away from his base and make him vulnerable.
One of the High Evolutionary’s first experiments was to mutate a cow into a humanoid called Bova. Bova was Quicksilver’s childhood nanny and she still resided at the bottom of Wundagore Mountain. Exodus covertly poisoned Bova over a long time until she was on her death bed. Hearing of Bova’s situation Quicksilver rushed to her aid and naturally earned the wrath of the High Evolutionary for stepping foot on his mountain. Exodus wasn’t an entirely unreasonable man and he sent a message, renouncing the High Evolutionary’s desire to control evolution and demanding he leave Wundagore for good. The Evolutionary was enraged but when he heard about Bova’s predicament he left the mountain to check on her. When he scanned her he realized she had been poisoned but it was too late. Bova’s friend Fydor had been mutated by Exodus a while back and he finally revealed his true form by mutating into a demon-like creature Raccus and blowing up the cabin with everyone inside. Unfortunately for Exodus, Quicksilver’s wife Crystal had saved them all with her powers. Raccus attacked the group and when it looked like he was about to be defeated Exodus recalled him back to Avalon. [Avengers (1st series) #380-382]
When an object suddenly appeared just outside Avalon, Exodus sent a team of Acolytes to investigate. The object turned out to be a block of ice and, when it was melted, they found a living person inside. Believing it to be some sort of sign, Exodus had the man brought inside and placed in a chamber where his vital signs could be monitored. Some of the Acolytes were uneasy about the new arrival and voiced their concerns to Exodus. However, ever arrogant and self-assure, Exodus instead punished those that would speak against him. However, they were right to be concerned, as the man killed two Acolytes and drained their life forces, leaving them as nothing but piles of dust. The man broke free of his containment and started to feed off more Acolytes. Alerted to the commotion, Exodus came and engaged him in battle, only to find that the man more than a match.
The man called himself Holocaust and claimed to be the son of Apocalypse. He spoke of a world where Exodus and Magneto were X-Men and they believed humans and mutants could live side by side. Outraged by the blasphemy, Exodus battled Holocaust and destroyed much of the space station in the process. Amelia Voght, one of the Acolytes, alerted the X-Men to the situation and Cyclops and Jean Grey soon arrived. They managed to save the remaining Acolytes as the debris of Avalon fell to Earth. Exodus and Holocaust continued their titanic duel, even as they too fell to Earth. Exodus seemingly perished when the piece of debris he was on crashed into the ocean and sunk to its depths. [X-Men Prime, X-Men (2nd series) #41-43]
Exodus nevertheless survived the encounter but was mentally and physically drained. He eventually made his way back to the cave in which Apocalypse had condemned him all those years ago. A portion of the power that created him still remained in the cave and he retreated there to heal himself and contemplate what had happened. However, when Cable and Nate Grey entered the area, Exodus felt their raw power and saw it as a chance to fully heal himself. He attacked Nate and the young man instinctively used psychic attacks against his adversary, not knowing that he was in fact giving Exodus more power. As the fight wore on, Exodus became more and more powerful with each attack. Nate, another refugee from a world where Apocalypse ruled supreme, recognized the markings on Exodus’ face and realized he was also tied in to Apocalypse. This gave Nate the fire he needed to overwhelm Exodus and end the fight. He threw Exodus’ limp body into a crevasse and telekinetically closed it, entombing the crazed man inside. [Cable (1st series) #30, X-Man #14]
A man as powerful as Exodus wasn’t to be beaten so easily. After escaping from his rocky prison, he decided to revisit the idea of Avalon. He gathered a group of Acolytes and travelled to the Antarctic. There, he began constructing a base that was bigger and better than before. It was called New Avalon and Exodus used his followers and machinery to shield its presence from the outside world. On the other side of the world, though, events were transpiring that would soon earn his undivided attention. Magneto was believed to have been killed during the fall of Avalon, but a man had surfaced that bore a remarkable resemblance to him, though much younger. This man, Joseph, couldn’t remember anything before the X-Men found him but he had become convinced he was some kind of reincarnation of Magneto. He wasn’t the only one to believe it, as one of Exodus’ followers, Amelia Voght, also saw the resemblance.
Still oblivious to Joseph’s existence, Exodus found out that Voght had been leaving New Avalon on mysterious journeys. Believing her to be a traitor, he chastised her for her apparent betrayal. She told him that his plan to launch New Avalon into space would doom the people left on Earth, as the carnage created would damage the tectonic plates. Exodus made it apparently clear he did not care for humans or those mutants who stood against him. He would have killed Voght had it not been for the timely arrival of Fabian Cortez, the former Acolyte leader Exodus believed he had killed. Cortez convinced Exodus that he had changed his ways and wanted to work along side him. Exodus gave him a temporary amnesty whilst he made a decision on Cortez’s fate. After meeting with Voght, Cortez fled and tracked down Joseph. Exodus tortured Voght for information on Cortez’s whereabouts and he eventually learned of Joseph. Realizing that Joseph was not really Magneto but rather what he considered to be a pretender to the throne, he drew battle lines and sped up New Avalon’s construction. [Magneto (1st series) #1-2]
When Joseph found his way to New Avalon, Exodus was ready to blast his plane out of the sky. However, he stalled at the last moment as he was holding on to the hope that there may have been a chance that he really was Magneto. Meanwhile, Cortez had been playing both sides for fools in the hopes that after the inevitable fight he would be the only one left to lead the Acolytes. He had been coaching Joseph on how to portray Magneto perfectly and the time came to put those lessons to the ultimate test. Exodus met with Joseph but did not let on that he didn’t believe him to be Magneto. He played along and pretended he was happy to see his messiah alive and well and back in command. However, when Exodus told him about the imminent launch of New Avalon, Joseph told him to delay it until he was happy with the plans. Exodus angrily lashed out at Joseph but was taken aback when Joseph returned just as much wrath as Exodus had levied at him. For the first time, Exodus allowed himself to believe that Joseph really could be Magneto reborn. The illusion was quickly shattered though when Joseph made a blatant display of affection to Amelia Voght. Not believing the interaction, Exodus blasted Joseph and a vicious fight ensued. Joseph was thrown from New Avalon and Exodus was left with the crushing realization that his dream, just like his messiah, was dead. [Magneto (1st series) #3]
When Joseph soon returned to New Avalon, this time under the belief that he really was Magneto, Exodus decided to let him have his say. Though he was prepared to lay down his life if it meant that his savior was truly back, Exodus needed to be sure and coaxed Joseph into another brutal fight in which he accused Joseph of being a liar. Unfortunately for New Avalon, the battle between the two men ended up damaging one of the machines that shielded the base from outside eyes, alerting the US military to their location. The battle between the two was interrupted by the arrival of fighter jets, intent on destroying the vulnerable base. Putting aside their conflict, the two saved New Avalon, though in the process Joseph’s Magneto façade was dropped. However, Exodus had come to believe that, even though Joseph wasn’t the true Magneto, there was enough of the Magneto personality lurking within him to warrant listening to. Joseph disbanded the Acolytes and halted plans to launch New Avalon into the heavens. [Magneto (1st series) #4]