DANGER: Page 4 of 4

Publication Date: 6th Jun 2024
Written By: Gremlin.
Image Work: sixhoursoflucy.


Danger had become fascinated with the sexual aspect of social interaction and she had been let down by Warlock’s naivety towards it. She set her sights on Polaris and asked her if she would like to engage in intercourse, which triggered a response similar to when she asked Gambit a few weeks before. When the Scarlet Witch showed up looking to spend time with Polaris, Danger decided to tag along and suggested they go to a renaissance faire. After an eventful day in which they saved a young girl from being murdered, the three women stopped at a bar for drinks. Danger asked the Scarlet Witch if she would like to have sex, much to the delight of Polaris, but was once again turned down. [All-New X-Factor #14]

When the citizens of the world had their moral compasses flipped thanks to the machinations of the Red Skull, it was up to X-Factor to help with the damage control. They managed to take control of the device that allowed the American president to fire nuclear missiles at anyone he wished. They took it back to their base but found they were soon under attack from a barrage of human operated Sentinels who wanted the device back. When Warlock was hurt by some of them, Danger saw red and finally put an end to the battle. Using her ability to control other machines, she over-rode the Sentinels’ controls and caused them to fire on each other. She was about to kill one of the human operators but was stopped by Polaris just in time. With the Sentinels down, the inversed X-Men decided to send in Longshot and Sunfire to apprehend the device for themselves. Danger took on Sunfire but bit off more than she could chew when he hit her with a powerful flame of jet, melting her body and taking her out of the fight. The two X-Men were defeated and the world was later put back to the way it was again. [All-New X-Factor #15-17]

Danger managed to repair herself again and, after things were back to normal, she continued on her quest to find a willing sexual partner. She eventually struck gold when she crept into Cypher’s room whilst he was in bed and found he was more than willing to comply with her wishes. Whilst he was guilt-ridden afterwards about betraying his friend Warlock, Danger was more than satisfied with the events. Cypher made her promise not to utter a word to anyone but, as they were travelling to their next mission, she let slip of their tryst. Warlock was furious but she firmly told him that he had made it clear he wasn’t interested in her and so she looked elsewhere. The team continued on with their mission with finding the missing body of a young girl who had recently died. They found the body but discovered they were too late, as it had been used to summon the ancient god Ammit the Soul Eater into existence. The team were out of their league as Ammit managed to take hold of their souls, leaving them defenseless. The one exception was Danger, who found she was immune to Ammit’s influence because she had no soul. She attacked Ammit and was so brutal in her assault that the god was forced to escape back to its own dimension. The team was happy that they managed to win but Danger felt rather subdued since she now had proof she had no soul. [All-New X-Factor #18-19]

Danger was noticeably depressed and so Warlock was tasked with talking to her and finding a way to cheer her up. Nonetheless, Danger remained rather sullen about not having a soul and so he did the only thing he could think of and he shared his own soul with her. As they joined their systems together, they finally took the next step and made love, right in front of the rest of the team. [All-New X-Factor #20]

Danger and Warlock’s relationship didn’t last long and the two soon parted ways, with Danger opting to assist former teammate Magneto in his new venture. Magneto had taken it upon himself to train the time-displaced original X-Men, but he knew he couldn’t fully gain their trust, as they still saw him as a villain. Instead, he asked Danger to disguise herself as the Blackbird jet, allowing her to keep tabs on them without their knowledge. The plan worked well, as she was able to report back on the group’s activities, such as tracking a reality-displaced mutant, Jimmy Hudson. She was eventually forced to reveal her true status when the team became involved in Hydra’s latest scheme to take over the United States. With half of the team captured, Danger revealed her true identity to Jimmy and the teen Jean Grey, before undertaking a daring rescue attempt on one of Hydra’s bases. [X-Men: Blue #1-9]

Now that the team knew about Danger, she was able to commit to training the teens directly. Her knowledge of their future selves meant that she was able to guide them in a more direct manner and push their abilities to their limits. Despite taking a more backseat role to the super-heroics, she did find herself dragged into their adventures, such as when Mojo tried to take over Earth. He was using sophisticated holographic technology to blanket Manhattan in scenarios from the X-Men’s past, something that Danger was very familiar with. Her sensors saw right through his illusions, allowing herself, Magneto and Polaris to get the upper hand on him. [X-Men: Blue #10-15]

Danger stuck with the team, acting as their trainer as well as their mode of transport. Eventually, the time-displaced teens realized that they needed to return to their own home and they bid their farewells, making Danger a free agent once more. [X-Men: Blue #16-36]

At some point, she reconnected with Madison Jeffries and the two rekindled their relationship. The mutant race had gone through some monumental changes in the meantime, and now they had set up a nation on the living island of Krakoa. The residents of Krakoa were bound by certain laws of the land and, when Madison tried to build an artificial habitat for Danger, he violated one of the laws. Danger was cast out from Krakoa, despite her allegiance with the X-Men, and Madison was thrown into the Pit, a prison-like environment. [Sabretooth (3rd series) #4]

Danger felt abandoned by the X-Men and she was at a loss as to what to do with her life. She had spent years collecting data on the X-Men and using it to train them, but now her talents and knowledge was going to waste. Realizing that she didn’t need the mutants anymore, Danger created a daughter for herself, someone to whom she could devote her life and guide as they grew. For the first time in a long while, she was happy, but that was about to come to an abrupt end when the CIA kidnapped her daughter.

The mutant nation of Krakoa had significantly altered world politics, forcing various organizations such as the CIA to gain intel and develop ways to combat them if necessary. The X-Desk was the CIA’s own unit dedicated to dealing with the mutant threat, and its leader Delores Ramirez would do anything to achieve her goal. She kidnapped Danger’s daughter and used her as collateral to force the robot to build incredibly life-like replicas of the X-Men. The idea was to use these doppelgangers to commit crimes in a bid to turn public opinion against Krakoa. The doppelgangers quickly caught the attention of Krakoa’s X-Force, with Wolverine and Deadpool tracing their origin. During their mission, they managed to gain possession of Danger’s daughter, but the two didn’t realize what they had at the time. They tracked the origin signal back to the X-Mansion, where Danger had set up her base, and returned her daughter to her. Despite being reunited with her daughter, Danger was still angry at the mutants for being abandoned and she viciously attacked them, literally taking the flesh off their bones. She underestimated Wolverine and Deadpool’s healing factors as the two regenerated quickly but, to her surprise, they simply walked away, knowing she was only acting that way out of fear for her child. [Wolverine (7th series) #20-23]

The nation of Krakoa soon came to a bloody end with many of its mutant inhabitants seemingly killed. Despite her recent animosity towards the mutants, Danger was devastated by the loss of her former allies. The feeling of anger inside her attracted the wayward Zarathos, the spirit of vengeance, who was in search of a new host. As it briefly possessed Danger, it used her robotics, as well as her anger, to connect to the internet and spread its influence. Targeting the humans who had cheered on Krakoa’s destruction, Danger was powerless to stop Zarathos from possessing them and forcing them to kill themselves. Zarathos soon left Danger to continue its search for a compatible host, leaving the robot to mourn her friends. [Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance #1]